Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Legislative Update

The 2007 legislative session ended last night at midnight. In the absence of a budget agreement, legislators passed budget bills that had been modified to accommodate many of Governor Pawlenty's concerns in the hope that he will sign the bills. The Governor has made no commitments to sign any of the budget bills. If he vetoes any of the budget bills, it will necessitate a special session. Specific line-item vetoes are also possible.

If the bills are signed by the governor, the following summary outlines the legislative results on MLA/MEMO platform items and other issues of interest:

Regional Library Basic System Support: RLBSS will increase by $612,000 in FY 2008 (from $8,570,000 to $9,182,000) and by $4,568,000 (from $8,570,000 to $13,138,000) in FY 2009 and beyond. This is a permanent increase.

Regional Library Telecommunication Aid: RLTA will increase by $990,000 in FY 2008 (from $1.2 million to $2,190,000) and by $1.1 million (from $1.2 million to $2.3 million) in FY 2009 and beyond. This is a permanent increase.

School Telecommunications Equity Aid: TEA will increase by $3,872,000 in FY 2008 (from $3,750,000 to $7,622,000) and by $4,993,000 in FY 2009 (from $3,750,000 to $8,743,000). This is a one-time increase. The base amount for FY 2010 reverts to the current funding level of $3,750,000 per year.

Multi-Type Library Funding: Multi-types are increased by $357,000 (from $903,000 to $1,260,000) in FY 2008 and by $397,000 (from $903,000 to $1.3 million) in FY 2009 and beyond. This is a permanent increase.

Ready 4 K Initiative: The family friend and neighbor grant program, designed to foster early literacy skills in children served by FFN child care providers, received a total of $750,000 over the next two years ($375,000 in FY 2008 and $375,000 in FY 2009) in the omnibus Health and Human Services bill. This is one-time funding.

School Technology: The E-12 bill includes $91 million in one-time funds for what is labeled "school technology aid." However, the language of the bill permits this funding to be used for any of the purposes for which total operating capital is currently allowed to be used.

Library Structures Study: The study was not included in the E-12 bill.

Hennepin - Minneapolis Library Merger: Legislation authorizing the merger of the Hennepin County and Minneapolis public libraries passed. The E-12 bill includes a one-time $4.5 million grant to help with the cost of the merger.

Twins Stadium Revenue MOE Exemption: The E-12 bill exempts the proceeds from the Twins stadium sales tax that may be used to extend public library hours in Minneapolis and Hennepin County from the maintenance of effort requirement.

Aid to Cities and Counties: The omnibus tax bill increases aid to cities by $70 million and to counties by $13 million.

Electronic Documents Study: The omnibus state government bill requires the chief information officer of the state, in consultation with the state archivist and the legislative reference librarian, to study how electronic documents can be created, maintained and preserved by the state in a manner that encourages appropriate government control, access, choice, and interoperability. The CIO is required to solicit comments from a variety of stakeholders, including librarians. A report to the Legislature is due by January 15, 2008.

Poet Laureate: The omnibus state government bill establishes the position of poet laureate of the state of Minnesota, to be appointed by the Governor. The Minnesota Humanities Commission is charged with soliciting nominations and making recommendations to the Governor.

Minitex: The omnibus higher education bill increases funding for Minitex by $1.25 million per year. The appropriation will rise from the current $4,381,000 to $5,631,000 per year. This is a permanent increase.

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