Monday, February 11, 2008

Evergreen ILS meeting at PLA

Equinox is hosting a Birds of a Feather meeting for those interested in or currently using Evergreen ILS at PLA. A Google Document has been created for the event. If you'd like to be added to the Google Document or have questions, please write Jason Etheridge, Equinox co-founder, at

Equinox developed the Evergreen ILS and currently hosts and provides support for the Evergreen ILS.
You can visit Equinox at


3/27 5:30pm-7:30pm in the Minneapolis Marriott City Center (exact room to be determined).

Possible Topics/Activities

  • Next steps for Evergreen
  • How to get involved in the Evergreen community
  • Does the community want a user's group?
  • User expectations
  • Installation demo
  • Migration demo: How to migrate records into Evergreen from OCLC or z39.50 or librarything for libraries
  • Writing documentation--is anyone pursuing this?
  • For any Evergreen users--what issues do they have?
  • What is/was the process libraries used to decide to move to Evergreen?

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