Monday, February 18, 2008

Spotlight on Books Conference, April 11-12, 2008

At Ruttger’s Sugar Lake Lodge near Grand Rapids, MN

Go to: for compete information on registration, schedules, lodging, and payment.

This year’s 20th Celebration of Spotlight on Books will feature a Friday afternoon workshop, banquet, and after dinner presentation by reading aloud grandmaster, Jim Trelease. You won’t want to miss this! Jim is retiring in the very near future, so take this opportunity to learn from and interact with this living legend. Jim’s Read Aloud Handbook (6th ed - it’s new) will be available for purchase and author signing.

On Saturday, we will feature 3 major authors:
Debra Frasier, illustrator for the 2008 Minnesota library summer reading program and author of A Birthday Cake is no Ordinary Cake, as well as the treasured, On the Day You Were Born. Get a preview of the summer reading program materials and pick up copies of her books for signing.

DJ MacHale, author of the popular “Pendragon Series” will be coming from California for his first visit to Minnesota! In addition to being a popular young people’s author, MacHale is also a co-creator of the Nickelodeon series, Are You Afraid of the Dark? and other TV series/movies. He is looking forward to coming to Minnesota -- and isn’t quite sure what to expect in April. Neither are we.

Mary Casanova, popular author from northern Minnesota, has written books for children of all ages and from many different perspectives. Whether you like her One Dog Canoe, or When Eagles Fall, or her latest, The Klipfish Code, you’ll be in for a treat. Mary’s enthusiasm, as well as her thoughtfulness, inspires readers and audiences wherever she goes.

In addition to our day with Jim Trelease and a day with 3 featured authors, we’ll also have book displays, “showcases” presented by colleagues on award winning books, book challenges, fantasy, and other great topics, plenty of time of networking with attendees and browsing books displays, and we’ll have book sales and author signings throughout the day. Last but not least, this will all take place at Ruttger’s beautiful Sugar Lake Lodge near Grand Rapids, MN, where the setting is delightful and the food is always delicious.

All the information related to programs, presenters, registration, schedules, lodging, and more can be found at

Don’t wait to sign up -- the Early Bird registration fee by Feb 20 (extended deadline date) is only $100. After that until April 4, the cost of the entire conference is $130 - which includes all meals - and is a terrific bargain. We are happy to accept purchase orders for those who would like to be billed.

This is a great opportunity! And one that is of particular interest to anyone living in northern Minnesota. Conferences this great only happen once a year in our region! Don’t miss it.

Questions? More information is available by calling Northern Lights Library Network (800-450-1032) or sending a message to or checking out the website at .

We look forward to seeing you at the 20th Annual Spotlight on Books Conference, April 11-12, 2008!

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