Monday, February 11, 2008

Strengthening the State Library

Minnesota’s State Library – how can it be strengthened? Minnesota’s librarians and media specialists have discussed this topic for many years. During the last decade, State Library Services has faced significant challenges. Librarians and media specialists continue to ask if the State Library has the resources necessary to effectively carry out its legislative mandates and statewide initiatives.

Strengthening the state library was a topic at the 2007 MLA/MEMO Legislative Forum. As a result of the platform deliberations that followed, the legislative committee agreed to undertake a review of the ways that Minnesota's State Library might be strengthened. The MLA Board has asked the committee to continue to gather information that may result in a platform plank for the 2009 legislative session.

The information below outlines some of the possible paths this process may take. It is our hope that this process will result in specific recommendations to strengthen State Library Services. Please let Mike Bloomberg (612.330.1379) or Verne Oleksowicz (320-650-2516) know if you wish to be a participant or planner in this process.

Purpose Statement:
To ascertain the best methods to strengthen Minnesota’s State Library to meet the needs of Minnesota’s libraries, communities and library users.

Identify specific areas where improvement in State Library Services is imperative to the success of Minnesota’s libraries.

A) Review documents to determine if previously agreed on department of education objectives and commitments have or have not been met.
B) Invite representatives from all interested library organizations to begin discussions to identify specific areas of need at the state library, as well as to specifically identify what is not being done effectively now.
C) Discussions with Department of Education leaders.

Unknown. It is hoped that the paths outlined above will result in department-initiated improvements affecting the State Library’s ability to carry out its mandated mission. It is also hoped that this process might identify specific statewide initiatives that the state library could reasonably undertake with appropriate resources. This process may or may not result in specific legislative initiatives for the 2009 session.

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