Monday, February 11, 2008

Minnesota Coalition on Government Information events

Sunshine Week - March 16-22 - is a time to stop and reflect on freedom of information issues including transparency in government, a free press, and the right to know. The Minnesota Coalition on Government Information is taking a lead with a mix of programs. We hope that you will promote and participate in these activities and that you will consider initiating Sunshine Week activities in your own venue.
* Afloat on the Wireless Pond - notice and agenda - March 1
* Freedom of Information Day program - March 14
* Sunshine Week webcast of "Government Secrecy" - March 19
Please remember, too, that MnCOGI is now accepting nominations for the John R. Finnegan Freedom of Information. Nominations due March 3. All of the background information and nomination forms are posted on the MnCOGI website. The process is streamlined and the award is an important recognition of the many ways in which individuals and organizations live up to the standards of openness espoused by John Finnegan.
If you have any questions or need promotional materials, please contact MnCOGI. And please support the Coalition and Sunshine Week by sharing the attached information.

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