Tuesday, March 4, 2008

2008 Annual Conference Plans

We have already swung into high gear for MLA’s 2008 Annual Conference, which will be held at the Sheraton Bloomington on November 19, 20 and 21, 2008. The conference committee members are busy planning a wonderful conference, working out logistical details, and arranging exciting speakers. It is already shaping up to be another terrific conference!

We have worked hard to be both financially responsible and sensitive to many of our members’ needs for this conference. With this in mind, we have moved the conference somewhat later in the annual calendar than usual to conserve your membership dollars, avoid Yom Kippur, and to ensure the highest attendance possible.

While the dates for the conference may be later than usual, the Sheraton Bloomington is a terrific venue for our conference and they have helped us ensure that this will be a successful and affordable conference. In addition, the Sheraton will be offering special overnight packages for those conference attendees that may want to extend their time before or after the conference.

I would like to offer a special thanks to Melissa Brechon, Jan Feye-Stukas, and Mark Ranum who worked so hard to renegotiate this contract and help ensure that this ended up being a win/win situation for everyone involved. I know this will be yet another terrific annual conference where we will have the opportunity…

To Explore. To Evolve. To Excel. Together.

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